Irma and Miguel

Irma and Miguel stand posing in front of concrete block wall of a future home

Irma & Miguel Project Location: Las Cumbres Irma is a determined single mother of her only son, Miguel. During the day, she works to complete her house and attend weekly meetings with her community, while she works in a factory overnight. Irma didn’t think it was possible to own a house due to the high…

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Eugenia and her 4 daughters pose in front of their current home

Eugenia & Familia Project Location: Las Cumbres Eugenia has 10 family members living in the house she built with Esperanza, including herself, her husband, her 3 daughters, her 3 granddaughters, and her 2 pets! Esperanza means a lot to Eugenia because the community helped and supported her family through the entire process. Eugenia I want…

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Liz stands holding her son at the entrance of her current home

Liz Project Location: Las Cumbres Liz, her husband, her 13-year-old daughter Valeria, and her 3-year-old son all live together in the home. To Liz, Esperanza was important for all the opportunities it gave them, including an improved and finished home in which to raise their children. She wants people to know that this dream can…

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Liliana stands posing in front of concrete block wall of a future home

Lilliana Project Location: Las Cumbres Lilliana, her husband, their 17-year-old son, David, their 8-year-old son, Saul, and their 3-year-old son, Enrique, live together. To Lilliana, Esperanza means realizing her dream of completing her home while learning many new and interesting skills through the whole process. Lilliana It is possible to realize your dreams with the…

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Olga and her 2 kids stand at the entrance of their home

Olga Project Location: Las Cumbres Olga works as a preschool teacher and also the Treasurer for the Cumbres Esperanza community. She has a family of four: Olga, her husband, Fransisco, her 10-year-old daughter, Jimena, and her 3-year-old son, Javier, all live in their remodeled home together. To Olga, Esperanza means completing their dream home in…

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Rosie, wearing a blue shirt, poses at the entrance of her new home

Rosie Project Location: Lomas de San Antonio Rosie joined her local community savings group in 2009 in Lomas de San Antonio. Here’s her reflection: Rosie For eight years I have helped, and they have helped me as well… In my family, they have learned to value their home and to work in union. As a…

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Casa Mil- Familia Cervantes

Adult mother and daughter of Casa Mil hug and pose in front of la posada

Casa Mil- La Familia Cervantes Project Location: La Morita Before becoming involved with Fundación Esperanza de México, Carmen Cervantes lived with her three daughters and granddaughter in an unstable, one-room home in Tijuana made from scraps of wood haphazardly nailed together. The roof leaked and all five women shared a queen bed pushed together with a…

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Eindelisa's family, community, and volunteers pose together at a worksite

Eindelisa Project Location: Las Cumbres Construction on Eindelisa’s home was completed during the summer of 2017 in the community of Las Cumbres. Each day, Eindelisa graciously and enthusiastically greeted Esperanza volunteers who arrived to help build her home. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm was contagious and was even more impressive when volunteers learned that she…

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Belen standing at the entrance of her new home, painted beige and with a concrete awning

Belen Project Location: Rosarito Belen, 30, has been involved with Esperanza since 2015. She shares, “My experience with Esperanza has been one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. I achieved a huge goal in life with the help of the technicians and volunteers. This ‘Esperanza Family’ helped me achieve this dream and…

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